It was the beginning of the Summer. The remnants of Spring had become blossoms of summer. Excited as I was for what I would accomplish this summer, who I would meet, I decided to take fate into my own hands and be proactive. I was sick and tired of the theories,lessons, and homeworks of school it was time to be practical and do some real world implementation of what I wanted to do!
Sustainable South Bronx is a non-profit environmental justice organization run by whipcracker Majora Carter. Born and raised in the South Bronx she returned after receiving her college education with a mission to revitalize her neighborhood's economy, health, and well being by employing the skills of environmental lawyers, urban planners, community organizers, artists, and educators. After looking over their website and watching a speech given to important officials I knew I had to take a chance and see if I could land myself an internship.
Watch a video of Majora Carter giving her presentation about "Greening the Ghetto."
So I took my chances and headed an hour and half by train from my home in Washington Heights to the Penny Factory. An abandoned factory in which Majora stationed her organization on the 5th floor. It took me a while to get there no one in the community even knew that the organization existed. The same organization that was fighting for their right and their wellbeing! It was a shame! I was confused! As much publicity as SSBx had received I was a bit thrown off but remained positive. Finally after asking and receiving empty responses I came across a drug dealer who sensed I was lost. I told him I was looking for Majora Carter. He directed me contentedly and told me to say hi to her when I saw her. There was still hope!
I had I arrived..I walked in to the office.. I was still shocked that it was located in a really rundown old factory. My mind still hadn't put the pieces together but that was the least of my concerns for now the most important thing was to explain why I was there and make a good first impression! I was able to speak to two of the community organizers that worked for her and to my surprise mid way through the conversation walked in the one and only MRS. Majora Carter. So you already know...I wasn't listening to what they had to say..I was fixated on her. She's even prettier in person than in her pictures! The community organizers both gave me a gleaming smile and waited they knew what was going through my mind. Soon I had their numbers it took a while but I was finally working with outreach coordinator Tanya Fields researching, calling, setting up dates and arraging places to hold community meetings. I got what I wanted. The Law Of Attraction is true ask for what you want believe positively in it and the universe will align itself to help you achieve what you want!
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