Saturday, January 10, 2009

African American Community and Self Hate

I am a strong believer that the black community as well as other Afro-descendants are in serious need of psychological help. Any community inhabited by minorities should have its fair share of Psychologists, mentors, counselors. Unfortunately they don't. Slavery occurred and black people never received a sorry. Even the families and victims of the Holocaust received a sorry, but African American and other African descendants have will probably never share this luck. The psyche of the black community is fucked up to say the least. Loads of low self-esteem and self hate. Many of the violence, criminal acts, incarcerations, baby mama syndrome, narcotic transportation, are a result of this self hatred and segregation from the more "elite" race. Through the creation of ghettos, lack of funding, lack of psychological help, and motivation, slavery(this one is pretty OBVIOUS), the black community has fallen into a very deep whole and trying to dig themselves out of it. Lets stop the cycle of Ignorance and Enter a place of acceptance.
  1. Black Women and Self Hate: Natural Hair/Weaves: This is a video about black women and self hate from a Black man to Black women. It definitely summarizes key issues of black women and insecurities. I thought it was on point and it was created by a young black dude. The gentleman who posted these videos is very insightful, well-spoken, intelligent, yet blunt!
  2. Distinction between Biracial and Mixed African American: In Africa, before imperialism black people already came in different complexions not everyone was jet black due to the differences in geographical features in Africa. Not everyone was black blue!
  3. White men are strong but Black men are stronger: The untapped strength of the black community.
  4. BLACK WOMAN, Explain Why You Have So Many Babies OUT OF WEDLOCK:More Black women need to educate themselves and stop cycle of having babies out of wedlock. Education will set you free. Truth will set you free. Once the level of EDUCATED black females increases substantially, black men will have to get their shit together and see black women as more alluring.
  5. Relationships between black men and black women:This part 1 of 3 part series check it out!


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