Wednesday, July 8, 2009

You never know whats inside someone's HEART

Sometimes in life when you first meet someone they come across as nothing special, easily overlooked. They are the person who is too scared to pursue their goals, too scared to take a risk, to scared to try something new. They are the shy reserved ones or the ones who are scared to take a new approach that challenges the status quo. Being compassionate you befriend them. You kind of feel pity for them because they themselves do not see their full potential. Many times they are not aware of all the beautiful things they can unleash if they just change their way of thinking and take small risks. Scared of, or being ignorant to their FULL potential. They seem harmless and genuine, just needing a small little push. Needing someone to believe in them. Someone to believe that Yes they can change.

Seemingly harmless and genuine you do not feel threatened in any way by these people and do not mind opening them up to new experiences and ways of thinking. Slowly they begin to blossom. Slowly coming out of their shells and developing their own interests and ideas. They begin to be the person they have always dreamed of. They begin to unleash the potential that was lurking within the inner reaches of their heart. With this new found confidence and ability they pursue life vigorously. Soon you start to realize that this person seems different. Yes they are actively pursuing their dreams and being the person they always knew they were. But something seems very different. No longer does this person regard you in the same way they did before. It seems as if they willingly treat you differently, refer to you differently. You can not quite understand what is going on. Your strengths are perceived as weaknesses and the personal qualities that brought this person to want to be closer to you are now chastised. You can not quite figure out this behavior until it suddenly hits you that this person is competing with you. For attention, for status, for popularity. Now that they have obtained a little bit of that shine that attracted them to you they feel superior to you. That they can achieve more, that they are better than you. They criticize you, make your strengths seem like weaknesses, and look down upon you. They become fake generic friends.

SO easily they forget that that it was you whom INSPIRED them.

It was you who gave them that little push.

It was you who saw the potential in them no one else would have thought existed.
It was you who believed in them.
It was you who challenged them to challenge themselves.
They forget that if they shine it is because you taught them how.

A person may appear to be a certain way but deep down may harbor completely different desires than what meets the eye. Nothing ever is what is seems to be. In life you never know what is inside someones heart.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Soooo......have you ever thought about how others see YOU?

Many times you are striving really hard towards a goal, or to stay in sync with your values. DO you ever stop to think how others view you? Sometimes I wonder about that, how do others view me. Most people are experts at looking at OTHERS and judging. Are you as much of an expert at introspecting and coming to terms with truths about yourself that you might not like?

Sometimes your strengths might be viewed by others as weaknesses or character defects.
  1. You find myself being sure of what I want or sure of what I know and others might view me as a KNOW IT ALL.
  2. You might be sharing my happiness with someone about something you have triumphed or achieved and others might view that as BOASTING.
  3. You might be dancing with your heart and spirit not giving a fuck about what someone else might think and others view that as SHOWING OFF.
  4. You find yourself not getting all worked up about situations or conflict and others might view that as INDIFFERENCE...not caring.
  5. You may come across as withdrawn, serious, quiet, not showing feelings. Others might think your COLD or even ARROGANT.
  6. Maybe you like to look good as often as possible. You might be labeled SUPERFICIAL/materialistic.
  7. You may feel confident, sure of yourself, independent, and decisive others might view that as ARROGANCE.
  8. What others view as INDECISION. You might view as simply waiting to get the absolute best deal or option.
But do they see things how you see them. Or even try? You may think you are getting your point across but are others really seeing what is inside your heart? How many times are our actions and words misconstrued? Your real intentions transformed into fierce sources of negativity and hate?

Frankly at the end of the day you just have to be sure of what you want and what your goal is. Seek those things which you know will get you what you want. People usually only see what they want to see. Its scary to think that you are giving 100% of your best and others may only see 20%. You cannot allow this to bring you down. Stay on your path and do not allow yourself to be distracted. The road to success, enlightenment, and spirituality are usually lain with roadblocks. Others negative or misconstrued perceptions should not be a source of destruction of YOU. Do not let the essence of you be Corroded by hate.

You cannot please everyone. You cannot allow others to determine your path, or actions. Do what fills you with joy. You read that correctly???.......JOY....... If your actions, thoughts, words, opinions are not affecting anyone's life in a negative way..their comments or views are NOT important. There's so much goodness in the world, so many beautiful possibilities. Others might misc0ntrue the beautiful possibilities you bring to the world. Its your job to not allow those possibilities to be destroyed or overlooked.

Sometimes I wonder how others view me, depending on the situation you might see me as ditzy, arrogant, cold, Happy!, quiet, show-off, withdrawn, friendly, studious, Slacker, creative, logical......I just hope that the goodness that lies within my heart shines through. A fire that never dies. Never simmers. I hope others can see my strengths as shining rays of warm light and not as weaknesses or sources of hate. I cannot please everyone and was not put on this earth to please you!! I will never stop shining. Maybe you might think I do not shine lol. But I KNOW I do. I just hope that the REAL me is acknowledged in a positive way.

Signing off...

The Milky Way